Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Success! I have uploaded the first final project, Thomas Hardy's, onto the website. It is now fully viewable on the Projects page. I still wait for everyone else's project to come up... but no one has sent me anything. Tom was very detailed with his explanation of how he wanted his website designed:

"I envision broken up into sections that you can navigate around at any time, without having to go through the whole massive text in one shot. It would be great if a linkable outline were present on the page at all time - i.e., if this outline had its own frame on the leftside, for example, and you could scroll down the text and read each page on the right side. I don't know how hard that would be; it's just an idea. If you can't do that, maybe put an outline at the beginning that would allow you to navigate to certain parts on the page."

This made my life much easier.


Sunday, December 20, 2009


I worked on the website a lot this weekend. Here's the link again, just in case:

A couple of things have been improved:

  • I fixed the layout on the website so it should work on all computers and stay in the center, as opposed to skewing off onto the right side like it was doing in class. The code could use a little more debugging, but to the best of my ability, I have made it as sophisticated as possible.
  • A Glossary of Terms has been added onto the main page. Basically, it's just a pop up with a list of obscure words and definitions, for people unfamiliar with the Inca empire and the Quechua language. These are just the basic words one needs to know, there is a whole lot more that could be added to the glossary.
  • The Projects page was added with any missing PowerPoint projects, but the Projects page could be updated with actual projects, although it seems everyone is working hard on them and they will be placed on the website after the Dec. 22nd deadline. For now, the projects remain as PowerPoints.
  • A small Penn logo was placed at the bottom of the page to link back to the UPenn website, just because!
  • The Contacts page now has a "Contact Us" form in which the viewer of the website must state their name, e-mail address, who they would like to contact (from a drop down list of all of our names), and a text box explaining the reason for contact. It is a formal way of contacting one of us without explicitly putting our e-mails onto the website (for privacy reasons).
  • The Credits page credits anyone who helped us with our project, as a whole, and credits any images or information I may have used on the website. It also gives a sentence on the class and where it was taken (at Penn).

That's all I can think of for now, but I think the site is greatly improved.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I was inspired by the chronicler's style of drawing; Poma's unique font and this unintentional background of the ink of the words on the back page seeping into the image on this page because the ink is so strong. Also, the simplicity of the forms in the drawings; they are quickly sketched, as if Poma wanted to capture everything he saw right at that moment. This is why I used this image as the splash page for the website; it's so representative of Cuzco, this sort of unique empire that disappeared because of Spanish conquest and is gone now, for us to speculate on meticulously. I chose the dark tone of "darksteelgrey" as the predominant color throughout the website because 1) It is visually appealing and 2) because of the color palette of the city of Cuzco. For example:

This color palette is taken from two images of Cuzco, one of the famous and beautiful stone walls within the city, and the other of the terraces. There seems to be a color motif between greys, blues, and greens, so I picked on a darksteelgrey. For the other predominant color tone, I picked grey, as representative of the stones which I could not bear to omit.

This is the website on a small scale. Note the main colors: greys and green-blues. This page, after clicking on the Poma image on the splash page, displays necessary background information on Cuzco and also information on what the class project is about. The grey box on the left details who each of the members of the team, plus instructors and teaching assistant, are. The links above are "About" (which is the page displayed above", the "Projects" page, and a "Contact" page. Also, on the bottom links, there is a "Credit" page in order to give credit and thanks for the images on the website and thanks to those who helped us with our research. The image in the bottom left corner of the box is a small map of ancient Cuzco given to the class by Clark Erickson. Credit will be given for this.

The information on Cuzco on the "About" page I took from Zuidema's talk, because his explanation of Cuzco was detailed and succinct. Credit will be given, but has not yet, as the site is not yet finished. Still to be completed are the Contact and Credits page, and code needs to be fixed up, as well as mistakes must be corrected throughout the website. The idea was also thrown into the class to create a glossary of Spanish and English terms that are required in order to understand the information given in the Power Points. My classmates will keep sending me updated versions of their Power Points so I will put their final products up on the webpage, or if they so wish for it not to be a Power Point, I will make an internal link to their own webpage for their own projects to accommodate their needs.

I coded everything in basic HTML / CSS, which I have known since I was in middle school. It is truly my passion, so being able to write code for a website in a class setting was an exciting challenge. I spent well over 24 hours coding everything in Notepad (which is actually a pretty primitive method, but I don't know any other way. Note: That will be a new goal. Learning a more sophisticated way of creating websites!).

I still have a lot more work to do, and I may help others with some modeling and texturing, so I'll keep this up to date!


Wow, I haven't posted in what seems like forever. It's been a busy semester, but for this class, I've learned so much. We had the opportunity of speaking with Tom Zuidema and Brian Bauer, both experts in the field of ancient Inca culture in Cuzco, and they provided tremendous insight into the details of the culture and the layout of the city, the Ceque system, etc. Clark and Norm have both helped us understand the archaeology component of the project and the computer science component (aka how to make our project look cooler and more fascinating), and I think that the final product for the entire class was better than I expected for the short time that we actually worked on the project.

The class finally decided to create one huge collaborative project which involved some research papers, some ethnographical work, some 3D modeling and animation, and then putting all this information onto Power Points and onto a website, which was my job for the project. The final product, which still needs work done on, can be found here:

I had a lot of fun making it. In the next post, I'll detail the actual process. It took a lot of time, a lot of remembering old code that I used to use, thinking about the implications of the web design and the information presented in it, and communication with everyone in the class. I feel like I got a lot closer to everyone, even if it was not too much talking with them, but there was a closer sense of community that was absent from the class in the beginning of the semester.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I'm just
going to quickly jot down ideas for what would be an interesting project to model. I've been reading Brian Bauer's book on the Cusco Ceque system and have been inspired by some of what he has said. It would seem to be that the most central part of Cusco is the Coricancha, the Temple of the Sun (as named by the Spaniards). Since I have an interest in archeoastronomy, and the Temple of the Sun is highly connected to astronomy, I'll keep an eye on it.

Then, there are the other "less important" huacas, 328 of them, which were both objects and places. There was the huaca of Guaracince, in Chuquipampa which is the plaza of the Temple of the Sun. Information on all of the huacas can be found on page 23 of Ch. 3 in the book. My worry is the lack of information collected in the past about these huacas and landmarks in ancient Cusco civilization... I'm still browsing, so more soon!

The above graphic is actually from a National Geographic article, which I found coincidentally on someone's blog who contemplated some archeoastronomy himself. The image actually reminds me of something said in one of the readings for this week, "Imaging Prehistory: Pictorial Reconstructions of the Way We Were" by Alan Mann. At the end, he concludes by saying that "aspects that must come entirely from the imaginative mind of the artist ... often remain the most memorable part of the scene for many people" (143), which I completely agree with. Look at the clouds in the image... one doesn't really see those in the sky, but they're the part I'm most attracted to when looking at the image, therefore, I remember them the most clearly when conjuring up this image in my mind. Of course, when the artist gets creative, it's the most appealing part of the piece.

Monday, October 12, 2009


The reading for this class was radically different from our past readings, but I appreciated the change and the "behind the scenes" look at the technological methods behind 3D facial reconstruction. Of course, many explanations were pretty obscure to me, but I appreciated the article when I finished it. Overall, what I took away from this piece was that while it is not a perfected method, it is definitely a plausible way of re-constructing the deceased.

“Reanimating the Dead: Reconstruction of Expressive Faces from Skull Data” – Kahler, Haber, Seidel
- Purpose: provide facial reconstruction approach that fits an anatomy based virtual head model
- facial reconstruction for postmortem identification of humans is challenging
- one of most popular tissue reconstruction methods bears many resemblances to surface fitting techniques on the computer
- manual reconstruction builds on the tight shape relationships between skull and skin
- 1935 – first documented case using 3D facial reconstruction
- not only correlation between skull and skin, but also muscle activity and skull shape
- the preparation of the skull is the beginning of the process of facial reconstruction
o also, dental analysis
- face reconstruction proceeds with approaches: 1) anatomical method, 2) tissue depth method
o anatomical method is through sculpting and takes a lot of time. Tissue depth method preferred, in which standard sets of tissue thickness measurements at specific points of the face are used.
o Computer graphics perspective
– surface interpolation problem
- Computer graphics in forensic application are still limited/simple
- Facial template chosen from a database of scanned faces
o Tissue thickness values
- Variety of techniques exist to create face models from images or scan data
o Deforming generic head model using radial basis functions
- 3D skull data acquired from volume scans and extraction of bone layers
o have physical skull on hand as reference
- skull model has landmarks, which can be manipulated
- head skull model has: 1) skin surface 2) virtual muscles (to control animation) 3) mass-spring system 4) landmarks
- tissue depth values at marker positions define the basic shape of the reconstructed head
- to keep user interface uniform, there is placement of vertical and horizontal line guides on the frontal view of the skull
- rules that influence the shape of the nose and mouth
- neutral pose of the face is preferred as the most generic facial expression in manual facial reconstructions
o however, virtual reconstruction allows for various expressions
o need a controllable tongue, eyeballs, and eye lids to allow for animation
- when actual appearance of individual is unknown, the accuracy of the reconstruction can only be guessed at
o Reconstruction plausible
- Results – overall good reproduction of facial shape and proportions, with well-matched details
o Takes less than a day to create reconstructed face model
- 3D scans – contact free interaction with physical skull, but scanning process is not so detailed
- tissue depth values should not be taken at face value in 3D facial reconstruction, but act as guides instead final facial reconstruction still relies heavily on artistic skills and intuition

Sunday, October 11, 2009


It has been a while since my last post! I'd like to talk about the presentations we gave in class on the stereotypes brought to the table by artists in depicting archaeological sites and visions of the past. They were all really extremely interesting, but what I found most intriguing was the presentation on Martin Pate's "Archaeology in Two Dimensions", which correlated nicely with another class I'm taking, "History of Museums". In this class, we've reached the topic of questioning the validity of what museums present to us. Pate's images are used in museum documents and in exhibits, so I promptly wrote my professor the following message based on the Pate presentation and how it enriches my History of Museums class:

"I learned something really interesting that goes so well with our History of Museums class. There was a presentation given by some of my classmates based on an article by Martin Pate called "Archaeology in Two Dimensions: The Artist's Perspective". I haven't read the article, but from what my classmates presented, I'm not sure I'm going to trust anything I see in museums anymore. The presentation was on how artists create the murals/paintings that we see in museums. For example, have you seen the Sue the dinosaur mural above the Sue the dinosaur skeleton in the Field Museum? That type of painting. They said that, in general, a painting is 80% historically correct because of collaboration between archaeologist and artist, but 20% of it is created from the artist's mind. I can imagine that this 20% is what people would be most attracted to when viewing the painting... it's the most creative/eye-catching part of the painting created from the artist's imagination (which is vivid!).

I thought it was something cool that related to what we've been talking about in class, the validity of artifacts and artwork and everything in museums."

I was engrossed with the article Andrew Kimball and I had to read on the Glastonbury Lake Village and Forestier's depiction of the village. Andrew provided me with additional information on the physical build of the village which the article lacked, like how this village of logs was constructed as a sort of island. Artistically analyzing the painting was fun, and important, because an artist does everything intentionally when creating a work of art, and thus, everything has a meaning. Below are my notes that I took when reading the article:

“To Make the Dry Bones Live”: Amedee Forestier Glastonbury Lake Village
- 1892 – Discovery of the Glastonbury Lake Village near Glastonbury in the West of England.
- Discovered by Arthur Bulleid, a resident of Glastonbury. Began search in 1888, found village in 1892 in Somerset swamps.
o Wealth of Iron Age evidence - 1898
– Excavation ends, Bulleid writes article for The Illustrated London News.
o Britain’s first illustrated weekly newspaper o Great purveyor of latest archaeological discoveries
§ Role the newspaper played in the transmission of archaeology to a mass non-specialist audience
- Sir Bruce Ingram – Editor of ILN, responsible for bringing archaeology to the general public.
o “Difficulty of combining technical accuracy with an exposition simple enough for the comprehension of the layman”
- ILN used pictures as the primary medium to convey the news of the day
o Inclusion of imaginative reconstructions of life in ancient times
o Illustrations produced by Amedee Forestier - Amedee Forestier
o French, studied at Ecole des Beaux-Arts (most famous art school in France)
o Produced illustrations for remainder of 19th century
o 1911 – Forestier produced reconstructions of Glastonbury Lake Village, 8 illustrations
o “especially interested in prehistoric man and loved to bring him to life”
o “most careful reconstructions based on scientific research”
- Five photographic images of artifacts included in ILN article – bronze bowl, ladder, jet ring alongside a sling stone, decorated comb, wooden table
o Can be observed in Forestier’s reconstructions
o “The occupations and amusements illustrated in this number are proved by the actual finds”
- Artistic reconstructions of the past are produced to convey a specific message about the period
- However, these pictures produced for a specific reason: to challenge outdated representations of the Iron Age
o Give image of a civilized Iron Age, not the usual savage ancient Briton
- Stress on artistic qualities of peoples
o Sign of civility - Most compelling images of the Iron Age:
o 1) Figure of warrior chief, 2) Life in the roundhouse
- Successful reconstruction: cram as much information into a small space to convey different facets of Iron Age life.
- Most famous image of Iron Age: warrior Celt
o Dominates Forestier’s scene on the jetty
o Warrior image has been employed with the greatest effect to represent the ancient Britons
§ An impression of savagery and primitiveness
§ Forestier required an alternative source of inspiration
- Warriors – Glastonbury warriors appear to have their visual origins in French depictions of the ancient Gauls.
o Gauls – noble and civilized nature, Forestier chose this depiction of the warrior.
§ Impression of civilization
o Forestier’s warriors resemble his Roman soldiers
§ Also symbol of civilization, contrast with “uncivilized” ancient Britons
- Forestier’s use of the civilized ancient Briton in the person of the warrior (civilized with hard edge) – reference to international situation at the time (tension in Europe).
o Patriotic note
o Long civilized British nation – older civilized nature than other nations
- Contradiction – severed heads stuck on poles at the entrance to the village
o “Civilized maybe, but not quite there yet?”
o Human bones found on site – violent end to village, or no catastrophic end?
- Roundhouse – house a sign of civilization, while lack of house a sign of primitiveness.
o Roundhouse in Forestier’s image – cozy familiarity of a family gathering
o Women dominate scene of everyday life, but the male is the returning hunter, the central figure
§ Male in light, women in shadow
o Civilized Iron Age family group
o Early 20th century gender roles being projected onto the Iron Age – relate the present time to the past – Edwardian Iron Age
o 1911 a time of social unrest in Britain – naturalization of Edwardian values, image to neutralize the perceived threat to the traditional order by providing the people with historical legitimacy
§ Everyone in village in their natural place in society
- Conclusion – Images of past created for the consumption of the reading public

Notes on art devices:
- Composition: The angling of the three boats at the bottom of the painting towards the center of the painting, to the chief, creates a sort of triangular, hierarchal shape that moves the eye from the bottom of the painting to the top. This is a possible indication of the hierarchy that existed in the village.
- The color blue is the dominant tone of the entire painting. It is known that the color blue is symbolic of calmness, being soothed, and peace. Forestier may have been reinforcing the idea of a civilized community of people in the lake village by incorporating blue into the entire image.
- At once when a viewer sees the painting, one of the most noticeable aspects of it is the amount of wood structures involved. Forestier was trying to connect the excavation photos, which contains large amounts of excavated wood, with the painting, to make it more believable. Wood is a connecting factor between the excavated past and the painting.
- Additionally, the medium which an artist picks is highly important in what they are trying to convey to their viewers. Watercolors are stereotypically thought of as a medium for children, something soft and easy to blend. Perhaps Forestier's use of watercolors is again trying to reinforce this image of calmness and perhaps even a certain innocence, a lack of brute personality which is stereotypically bestowed upon the people of the Iron Age.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I will most probably reflect on my report (and perhaps the readings for this class today) later on tonight or tomorrow, but for now, here are my notes for this class. There was a mix of readings that weren't as evenly or obviously connected as last week's readings, but there was this one particular theme, most prominent, of the media misinterpreting and being impatient with archaeologists and their field work (for example, National Geographic and journalists, in general). There seems to be so much misunderstanding when it comes to understanding what archaeology is...!

These notes were taken on my laptop, so they're longer and more detailed.

“Responsible Archaeology Is Applied Anthropology” – Pyburn and Wilk
- Archaeologists need to let local people (near their excavation site) teach them about their interest in the past
- Archaeology must offer something to the people of the land
- Collaboration has problems (between locals and archaeologists):
1) Time scale – things happen slowly in communities
2) Lack of infrastructure – overcoming factionalism and build a consensus
3) Power – power shifts
- Ethical responsibility – only thing that will keep archaeology alive.
+ Need to be applied anthropologists, as well
- Respect for anthropology and archaeology

“Archaeology’s Perilous Pleasures” - Lowenthal
- Archaeologys new found importance stems from:
1) unique focus on the remotest epochs of human existence (exotic secrets)
2) concern with tangible remains (credibility)
3) attachment to issues of identity and possession that embroils everyone
- Three realms of discourse: antiquity, tangibility, present day relevance
- Ancient remains arouse widespread awe
- With priority comes entitlement (what comes first)
- “fieldwork” – unearthing treasures of high value
- convincingly real
- physical decay is painful to us so we are obsessed with conservation
- tangible character makes archaeological evidence gripping, but at the same time, incomplete and deficient
- relevance to current social and political issues
- archaeologists often exemplify national feelings (especially in newly ex-colonial countries
- archaeologists are not immune to pressures to conform to national, ethnic, and personal agendas
- excavations the pawns of personal ambitions and nationalist goals
- heritage benefits

“Mixed messages: Archaeology and the media” – Finn
- Archaeology has become a part of popular TV and articles, make more of any mysterious archaeological data
+ Stories are skewing the subject
- Archaeologist as hero – damaging publics understanding of archaeoligcal work
- Archaeologists hold back information until it makes sense in academic terms
- Site security an issue, journalists always hungry
- Impatience rubs against the pace of archaeological excavation
+ Cut to shots of mummies, but don’t blond the viewer with science
- Impatience rubs against the pace of archaeological excavation
- Archaeologists claim journalists are superficial and their accounts distort the picture, journalists claim archaeologists are mean with information
- Archaeologists questions are asked post-excavation, when all the evidence obtained is considered. Journalists want the information now.
- Journalism teaches archaeology that the process of understanding is dynamic

“Archaeology Matters: Action Archaeology in the Modern World” – Sabloff
- People see archaeology in terms of entertainment rather than as a discipline that is relevant to life
+ Lack of understanding may be laid at the door of archaelogists themselves
- No reaching out to public
- “unless archaeologists find ways to make their research increasingly relevant to the modern world, the modern world will find itself increasingly capable of getting along without archaeologists”
- Popular writing frowned upon by some academics, then popularization in other media even worse. Therefore, archaeologists don’t use popular media to publicize themselves.
- Not only should archaeologists communicate with the public, they should also demonstrate that archaeological research can help improve our world today and in the future
+ “action archaeology”
- conservative field, change does not come easily

“Public presentations and private concerns: archaeology in the pages of National Geographic” – Gero and Root
- how archaeology participates in the formation of the dominant political ideology of America
+ interpreting the past plays an active function in legitimating the present
+ how archeology is exploited + capitalized upon to reinforce the dominant ideology that produced it, in National Geographic
- Nat Geo – Founded in 1888, coincided with transformed world view, dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of specialized geographic knowledge.
+ Publicize nationalist ideology, presents “view of past that promotes technological progress as cultural superiority”
+ Hints to expanding capitalist society – past represented in exquisite objects
- Photography crucial
+ Illustrates archaeology as exploration, drama
- Stresses exploration in remote places, overemphasize discovery of lost civilizations
- Telling of the past hints to our dominant ideology: Eurocentrism, nationalism, racism, materialism, sexism, state-level society
- Industrial capitalism

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Image credit to http://www.disneydvdmovies.com.

I ended up watching "Atlantis: The Lost Empire", which is fascinating when examined with a critical eye. Something I really focused on was this consistent and prominent theme
of Western power vs. foreign power (in addition to how archaeology is stereotyped, of course), and how weak other powers are in comparison to the Western world, namely, the United States. For example, the movie explicity states that the main character, Milo Thatcher, is an assistant at an American museum in Washington D.C., and his crew of archaeologists is assembled in America (although they tried to save face for this by giving the crew exotic/foreign names, ie. Vincenzo Santorini). Nearly 30 minutes into the movie, after meeting this American crew, the "Atlantians" as they are so called state that "if these outsiders [Americans] can unlock the secrets of our past, perhaps we can save our future". Already there is a dependence on Western powers as the Atlantian powers are rendered useless and incapable of saving their own civilization. There are other instances, but perhaps that is something to speak about in my paper.

Here is a brief overview of my notes. It's funny, but the archaeologists portrayed in the film actually were wearing boots, wide brimmed hats, and khaki clothing. Perhaps some hint of facial hair or broad chests with hair.

Atlantis Movie Notes
- opening scene (flashback) - hierarchy already established (Your Highness)
+ blue dramatic lights emphasize water theme of Atlantis
+ foreign names + dress
+ weird flying contraptions, advanced technology
+ dramatic, watery "end" to Atlantis
- Washington D.C. 1914
- Milo Thatch - main character. wire rimmed glasses, khaki colored clothing, "nutty professor" type of personality, young.
+ speaking to fake audience, enhances sense of nuttiness
+ cartographer and linguist
- Egypt already mentioned, picture of Sphinx and pyramids.
- mission already established: find Atlantis and bring its power source up.
- photo of young Milo with grandfather - grandfather as explorer hat, spectacles, facial hair, khaki clothing
- setting - museum with bones (typical)
- museum owner's disbelief/lack of trust in archaeological legends/myths
+ chasing fairy tales
+ "expedition" mentioned
- Helga Sinclair - romantic/mysterious character. Employer is a mysterious Mr. Whitmore.
+ offered undercover job
- The Shepherds Journal - key to finding lost continent of Atlantis
- Crew - Gautan Moliere (geology + excavation), Vincenzo Santorini (explosives + demolition, busted out of prison), Audrey Ramirez (chief mechanic)
+ eccentric characters
- travel in high tech ship (contrary to articles read, milo + crew have all advanced technologies on their journey)
- "whiskey" already mentioned - drinking factor
- adventurous music accompanies the entire film

There are more, but the beginning of the movie really captured so many archaeological stereotypes wonderfully. The rest of the movie is a whirl of adventure, suspense, romance, and betrayal. All in the life of an archaeologist, of course!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Probably leaning towards an animated portrayal of ancient/lost civilization. "The Road to El Dorado"? "Atlantis: The Lost Empire"? I figure that since so much time and thought are put into completely re-creating a lost civilization from scratch in animation, it's really a great way to analyze what the entertainment industry truly wants depicted to the public. If not these movies, it'd be fun to investigate an old, old movie centered around the exotic aura surrounding the archaeological world! We'll see.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


To compliment the last post, I'm sitting here in my dorm doing some random Internet searching and found myself looking at the Chaco Canyon again, and now "archaeoastronomy". I may have uncovered a new interest, so be on the look out for more info/observations on it...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


How great was tonight's film, "The Mystery of Chaco Canyon"? Accented by mystifying background music and all (to enhance our experience, of course), I thought it was incredibly intriguing. I always just figured, oh, there's some kind of relation between astronomy and ancient civilizations which I'm not very interested in. However, the attention to the great powers of the Sun and the Moon is what really caught my attention. The precision in which these ceremonial buildings were built in accordance to the phases of celestial bodies was surprising. I have to admit, I don't give people of the past much credit. I understand why someone would continue to return to that canyon for research; it seemed like there was something new to discover every time about those buildings and roads. It's amazing how humanity has, since very early on, been able to give order to our Earth and space, our universe, by utilizing physical objects, buildings, the Chaco Canyon, to map out nature's course, day and night, solstices' and all.

So, here are some notes I took for the first set of readings. Just some things to record for use later on. Each article encompasses the overarching theme of the public's misunderstanding of what an archaeologist looks like/does, etc.:

Metaphors We Dig By, DeBoer:
- stereotypical image of an archaeologist, drawings
- therefore, the general public does not know much about the job of an archaeologist or anthropologist

Popular Culture and Archaeology, Holtorf:
- archaeology largely perceived in flattering terms in pop. culture
- adventurer, detective, profound revelations, taking care of ancient sites and finds
- exotic lands
- indiana jones - most enduring image of an archaeologist
- core of discipline - archaeological fieldwork
+ can be adventurous
- D theme - professional detectives of the past
+ "sherlock holmes" cliche
- correspondence between criminology or scholarship and archaeology
- a messiah - R Theme
- C theme - archaeologists have become the heritage police
- vulnerable romantic
- what matters most are various aspects of the process of doing archaeology, not the actual results

Digging Holes in Popular Culture, Russell:
- archaeologists are obsessed with context
- pop. culture stereotypes, especially TV
1) mad archaeologist who will unleash curse
2) archaeologist driven by a personal greed
3) gun-toting hero motivated by great discovery
4) plain, comical academic
- archaeologist - adventurer, mild eccentric
- archaeologist as intrepid explorer
- nutty professor
- tomb raiders, doom bringer, villians
- pop. culture archaeologist suffers from a sever lack of modern technology
- weapons + alcohol
- 98% of population does not encounter an archaeologist and therefore cannot defeat the stereotypical image

The Celluloid Archaeologist, Membury:
- celluloid archaeologists - resolute character who challenges evil, romantic, a dark past
- fascination with Egypt
- man obsessed with work, to distraction
- young celluloid archaeologist - unwitting hero, romance, combat supernatural powers
- old archaeologist - unflappable eccentric
- The Mummy
- preoccupation with treasure
- Aborigines as lower life forms
- early female celluloid archaeologist as a sympathetic suffragette figure
+ honey trap for heroic men
- early 19th century - golden age in archaeology
- conclusion: modern image is chivalrous individual with a strong moral sense willing to break professional code, on a quest

Romancing the Stones, Hall:
- portrayals unsatisfactory but positive conclusion to understand narrative drive of pop. fiction
- popular film is a dialogue
- what it means to be human
+ making past familiar in terms of human behavior
- ignore deeper concerns about archaeology
- Western culture, imperialism
- some culture mentioned (in comparison to Western presence)

Now in quest for a movie to investigate!

Monday, September 14, 2009


After the first set of readings, I can just imagine a bunch of archaeologists holding flaming torches, pitchforks (or archaeological tools, to be fair), and signs saying "No more Indiana Jones!". I do feel bad.