Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Success! I have uploaded the first final project, Thomas Hardy's, onto the website. It is now fully viewable on the Projects page. I still wait for everyone else's project to come up... but no one has sent me anything. Tom was very detailed with his explanation of how he wanted his website designed:

"I envision broken up into sections that you can navigate around at any time, without having to go through the whole massive text in one shot. It would be great if a linkable outline were present on the page at all time - i.e., if this outline had its own frame on the leftside, for example, and you could scroll down the text and read each page on the right side. I don't know how hard that would be; it's just an idea. If you can't do that, maybe put an outline at the beginning that would allow you to navigate to certain parts on the page."

This made my life much easier.


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